Create a mood boosters list

Create a ‘mood boosters’ list


Create yourself a ‘mood boosters’ list. This is a list of things that will help to make you feel happier and more energised. It would be great to have a variety of things that you could do at different times.


When you feel your energy dip, physically, mentally or emotionally, it is vital to shift your mood as soon as you are able, by acting upon one or more of the things on your list. Generally, when you aren’t feeling well or happy, you won’t be magnetising strong, positive energy, creativity and abundance.


Some common mood-boosting activities are in the following list:


  • Rest and relaxation.
  • Calming physical exercise: yoga, tai chi, qi gong, Feldenkrais.
  • Cardiovascular exercise: running, swimming, cycling, going to the gym, Zumba etc.
  • Communing with nature: being in woodland, beside the sea, walking in the park or countryside.
  • Connecting with pets: dog walking, cuddling the cat, horse riding, visiting an animal sanctuary.
  • Enjoying a long hot bath, possibly with essential oils.
  • Spending fun time with friends or family.
  • Taking quiet time alone.
  • You may find it helpful to listen to my guided meditations again: Chakra Cleansing or Cleanse your Energy Field.
  • Laughter: with friends, watching comedy on television, live comedy, romantic comedy films – there are many well-researched benefits to the healing power of laughter.
  • Receiving a healing treatment: massage, reflexology, acupuncture etc.
  • Focusing on and expressing gratitude.
  • Listening to music – upbeat, calming or spiritual.
  • Cooking or baking.
  • Dates with your partner, for example romantic meals.
  • Walking barefoot on grass or sand.
  • Reading uplifting, positive, spiritual or motivational books.
  • Eating out.
  • Going on holiday.
  • Looking at photos of your family or loved ones.
  • Bringing to mind some happy memories.
  • Burning candles or incense.
  • Sitting in front of a log fire, with a hot chocolate and watching a good film.


Refer back to this list and take action whenever you need to elevate your mood.

‘Do something today that your future self will thank you for!’