Time for Reflection

I’ve been very quiet on here over the last few months because its been a very challenging time for me.  I have been diagnosed with cancer, received treatment and now got the all clear since I last wrote a blog.  Its a huge shock when the C word comes into your life.  I am still processing this experience but at this early stage, the reflections that are upper-most are the importance of friends and family, and gratitude for each new day.

Recent reports suggest that there is a likelihood that I in 2 people will get cancer at some point in their lives so this challenging news is likely to become more commonplace, for ourselves and our loved ones, which can be a bitter pill to swallow.  But please remember, many cancers are now very treatable with a highly successful outcome and fantastic prognosis.  Illness and subsequent recovery can help us refocus our lives, our direction and our intentions. The World Health Organisation says there are a few things we can do for cancer prevention: avoid tobacco, limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, exercise regularly and reduce UV exposure amongst other things.  Check out their website for more information.

I have had a very quiet time energetically, lacking in motivation and needing to use my personal energy to focus on self-healing and allowing myself to receive the support of my family and friends – which has been invaluable.  But since receiving the all clear I am gradually feeling my energy, passion and intention returning to me.  I have recently rewritten what my overall life purpose feels like to me so that when I am considering doing something, I can check that it is in alignment with my passions, hopes and my dreams, and my reason for being on this earth at this time.

With this in mind I am holding another Vision Board Workshop in September at the transformational time of the Autumn Equinox.  I LOVE helping people get clear about what they want to change, create or experience in their lives and this is a great starting point.  So if you wish to join me then check out the details below.

I also ADORE nature and helping people reconnect to the natural world, and the earth’s cycles.  I am delighted to be restarting my Women’s Sacred Circles this Autumn.  These run on Thursday evenings for 2 hours and will be themed around the relative Celtic Calendar celebration starting with the Autumn Equinox.  More details can be found below.

Two of the biggest things that have helped me through this period have been hanging out with my horses and practising mindfulness.  Mindfulness has been an invaluable tool in my recovery toolkit.  If you have never tried it, I can’t recommend it highly enough.  Do get in touch if you wish to have some pointers of how to get started.  There are many free resources available online.

I am restarting Online Mindfulness Sessions over Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7pm – 7.30pm.  Please get in touch for more details.  No experience is necessary.

And finally, I will be publishing my new book “Mindful Reflections on Life” very, very soon.  The aim was for April but sometimes the Universe has different plans!