October Reflections

Well the seasons have definitely changed now.  We have entered Autumn, the season of letting go.  Recently a lot of people I have interacted with have been expressing unhappiness at the end of summer, and some also dreading the long winter months, the cold and the extended hours of darkness.  I used to be that person too.   I would dread the winter and hate November especially.  But now, when I have the echo of these sentiments, I remind myself to stay in the present, to find the beauty in every day and embrace the letting go of the need to be so busy, out in the world, and of excessive socialising.

Autumn is the time for letting go – for releasing what you no longer need, for conserving your energy, for turning within.  Letting go frees up your energy to focus on what you need for yourself, which in turn nourishes your capacity to help others.  This year, I am especially letting go of getting overly involved in other people’s business.  Not feeling the need to step in and help out and not feeling the need to solve other’s problems (even just in my head).  This is making me more discerning about what I want and need, and how to keep my energy nourished so I can use it more efficiently.  I also want to free up my internal chatter to give me a sense of inner peace and quiet.

What do you need to let go of this Autumn?  Are there aspects of yourself that need more time, attention and nourishment?  Can you allow yourself to not catastrophise about the next few months and find some joy in each day, and to live each day as it comes?