Tune in to the Spring energy

Now is a great time for a Spring clean – physically and energetically.  We are in the run up to the Spring equinox and this is the time to shed all that you don’t wish to take into the next season.

On warmer days, open your windows, clean your house, declutter the belongings you no longer need, wash any damp and mildew away from your windows and the back of your cupboards.  Clean the glass in your windows so the light can pour in.  Air out your bedding, vacuum your sofas, tidy up and declutter your cupboards, your books, excess clothes etc

Clean up your diet: increase your water intake, cut back or cut out caffeine, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, processed foods and sugar.  Increase your fruit and vegetables.

Move your body – dance, swim, run, walk, do some gardening.

Move your energy – get creative – paint, write, sing, dance, mould some clay, get crafty.

Get yourself in nature and soak up all this lovely, fresh, optimistic, motivating life force energy bursting out of the earth at this time of year.

And give yourself some time to consider what you want to create, experience and manifest this year.  Create a vision board, or make a mind map.  If you don’t know how to do this, check out my YouTube or Instagram accounts for free videos on creating a vision board or mind map.