Can you enjoy your life more?

One of the most effective ways to increase the enjoyment of your life is to start appreciating and enjoying the small things.  Savouring the taste of your food, embracing the bird song, welcoming sweet fragrances of flowers, feeling thankful for your eyes that let you see the sunsets, your ears that allow you to hear … Read more

Summer Solstice Blessings

We are now within the most abundantly overflowing time of the year.  Look around in nature and see how everything is so full with life and vitality.  Do get out into the countryside this week and immerse yourself in nature.  Observe the trees full of leaves, smell the huge variety of flowers and blossoms that … Read more

Changes and challenges

Change is the only certain thing in life.  By losing its branch, a tree  offers a vital space for new life and a myriad of species to emerge and thrive. Try not to resist change that comes your way, as that is equal to resisting life itself.  Learn to go with the flow.  Like a … Read more

Do you pause to enjoy?

When you get something you want, do you stop and allow yourself to truly enjoy it, allow it time to integrate into your life and savour it fully? This may be as simple and everyday as enjoying your morning coffee or it may be as big as a life goal you’ve been working hard to … Read more

Spring is coming. Get ready…

I’m frequently inspired and guided by nature about what I need to do and when.  Having just returned from a windy and blustery dog walk where there were loads of fallen branches, twigs and dead wood on the ground, it reminded me that the run up to Spring is a great time to let go … Read more

Grounding and Calming yourself

With the busyness of the world around you, it can be very calming to ground yourself.  This can be done in many ways.  These include: burning some sage/incense mindfully and consciously walking in nature immersing yourself in water. lighting a candle walking barefoot closing your eyes and noticing your breathing – just for a few … Read more

What do you wish to create this year?

Early February is a powerful time of regrowth, regeneration and perfect for sowing gthe seeds of what you wish to manifest. This week marks the Celtic celebration of Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day – celebrating the re-emergence of spring and new growth..  We have a new moon and the start of the Chinese New Year … Read more

Happiness is a decision away!

Happiness is a practice, a decision and a discipline We all want to feel happy right? But so often, we don’t feel happy right now.  We might be hoping to feel happy later, when we leave work; when we have dinner; when we get home and see our partner/children/dog; when we go out with a … Read more

Using gratitude to promote change

If you want to start feeling happier, passionate, motivated and fulfilled; to learn how to create positive changes and manifest the things you desire in your life; then the trick is to start focusing on what you feel grateful for right now. Start feeling grateful for the ample food you have to eat, your warm … Read more

Start your day with a great morning routine

Power up your day with a nourishing morning routine… Mornings are the most powerful and effective time to improve your mental and physical health and well-being. Having a positive morning routine can really change your day – both in perception and in actuality.  When your energy is coming from a more focused, positive, calm, loving … Read more