Are you enough?

Do you ever find yourself berating yourself for not being good enough, not working hard enough, not relaxing enough, not being perfect enough. It’s time to give yourself a break. Nobody is perfect. We have good days and bad days. Enjoy the good times, be kind and compassionate with yourself through the bad times. Choosing … Read more

Do you allow yourself to pause and receive?

When you get something you want, do you stop and allow yourself to truly enjoy it , allow it time to integrate into your life and savour it fully? This may be as simple and everyday as enjoying your morning coffee or it may be as big as a life goal you’ve been working hard … Read more

Anxiety-busting techniques

If you are someone who suffers from or experiences anxiety from time to time, or a lot of the time, these current times that we are living through can be extra challenging because the fear level on the planet seems to have raised exponentially. Things have changed and are still in flux and adjusting to … Read more

Moving through anxiety

Anxiety is a negative thought projected into the future.  If you are very present and “being” fully in the moment, you won’t experience anxiety. To help bring yourself into the present moment there are various exercises you could try: Feel your breath.  Notice where in your body you feel your breath. Scan down through your … Read more

Are you feeling bored?

Recently, I have noticed a few people mention that they are feeling a bit bored and unmotivated.  I’ve always found boredom a weird state of being.  It’s almost like a non-state or a non-feeling.  It’s not sad or angry but it’s also not excited, passionate or happy.  My experience has been that the best thing … Read more

If I can do it, so can you…

If I can do it, so can you… Do you want to wake up feeling enthusiasm for the day ahead?  Do you want to feel happier and experience more inner peace and joy in your life?  Do you want to feel like you can cope and overcome the difficulties and challenges that come to you? … Read more

Fall in love with yourself

Fall in love with looking after number one It can feel very difficult to prioritise and assert to those around us what we need, especially if it negatively affects people we care about. Maybe you need some time on your own, without anyone else’s needs but your own to attend to. Going away just with … Read more

Stop waiting! Be here now…

I know things have been difficult recently but this is how it is, this is where we are.  I’m noticing a tendency at the moment for people to be waiting for life to change and feeling like their life is on hold.  But it isn’t.  Your life is still passing by each day. Try to … Read more

Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

It’s time to start preparing for the year ahead.  It’s time to let go of the old, to allow in the new. We are now moving into the best time of the year for decluttering – physically, mentally and emotionally; and for setting our intentions for what we wish to create and see in our … Read more

Can you feel it? Change is in the air

Can you feel it?…Change is in the air! Well I don’t know about you but I have found this January to be the longest month ever! But can you feel that change is coming?  The days are gradually getting longer.  When we have sunshine, the sun is getting stronger.  Have you heard the new excitable … Read more