Approaching the Winter Solstice

We are now in the final few shortest days of the year.  The Winter Solstice is almost upon us.  This is a time to rest, regenerate, and reflect upon the year we have had.  I know it can be very challenging to do this at this busy time of year, but can you try to … Read more

Winter Solstice Celebration

The Winter Solstice occurs for a few days around the 21st/22nd December.  This is when one of the Earth’s poles is tilted furthest away from the sun, resulting in the longest night and the shortest day of the year. People celebrate the winter solstice for cultural, spiritual, and practical reasons. This event has been significant … Read more

November Reflections

In November, nature is turning within, the days are getting shorter and shorter. This is a great time of year for us to surrender.  Give in to tiredness, go to bed at silly o’clock, keep warm, eat deeply nourishing foods and attend to your physical and emotional needs with a gentle passion.  Over the next four weeks … Read more

October Reflections

Well the seasons have definitely changed now.  We have entered Autumn, the season of letting go.  Recently a lot of people I have interacted with have been expressing unhappiness at the end of summer, and some also dreading the long winter months, the cold and the extended hours of darkness.  I used to be that … Read more

Time for Reflection

I’ve been very quiet on here over the last few months because its been a very challenging time for me.  I have been diagnosed with cancer, received treatment and now got the all clear since I last wrote a blog.  Its a huge shock when the C word comes into your life.  I am still … Read more

New beginnings

Well Spring is definitely the time of new beginnings. I have been taking some time this winter to become quiet and refocus my direction. I have a few ideas in the pipeline that I wish to share with you over the next few weeks and months. Firstly, I am in the process of writing a … Read more

Offering no resistance to life…

I have recently been playing around with the idea of offering no resistance to whatever occurs in my life.  I frequently feel like I have ideas and plans of what I would like to happen, or feel like should be happening in my life but often then doesn’t happen for one reason or another – … Read more

Late Summer Reflections

I do hope you have all had an enjoyable and relaxing summer.  From a Chinese Medicine viewpoint, we are now approaching late summer and certainly out in West Sussex I am noticing the evenings getting shorter, the sunset light is dropping in the sky, the chickens are roosting earlier and the horses are wandering to their night … Read more

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is a significant event that occurs once a year when the Earth’s axial tilt is at its maximum, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. People have been celebrating this astronomical event for thousands of years, across various cultures and civilizations. The summer solstice … Read more

Spring Equinox Blessings

We are now approaching the energetic season of Spring and the Spring equinox.  It’s time to create changes in your life.  It’s a great time to let go of what you no longer need and refocus your intentions on what you wish to create, experience and manifest. This is a great time to declutter your … Read more