Late Summer Reflections

I do hope you have all had an enjoyable and relaxing summer.  From a Chinese Medicine viewpoint, we are now approaching late summer and certainly out in West Sussex I am noticing the evenings getting shorter, the sunset light is dropping in the sky, the chickens are roosting earlier and the horses are wandering to their night … Read more

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is a significant event that occurs once a year when the Earth’s axial tilt is at its maximum, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. People have been celebrating this astronomical event for thousands of years, across various cultures and civilizations. The summer solstice … Read more

Spring Equinox Blessings

We are now approaching the energetic season of Spring and the Spring equinox.  It’s time to create changes in your life.  It’s a great time to let go of what you no longer need and refocus your intentions on what you wish to create, experience and manifest. This is a great time to declutter your … Read more

When life gives you strawberries and cream…

When life gives you lemons – you are encouraged to try and make lemonade.  But what about when life gives you strawberries and cream – do you enjoy and savour them? We all have times when our life seems to be running more smoothly, when there aren’t any major or even minor crises going on, … Read more

Could your sleep be better?

Getting enough good quality sleep is vital for your overall health and sense of well-being and especially so if your waking hours are very pressured.  So how is your sleep?  Is there room for improvement? Having good “sleep hygiene” is so important if sleeping is always or even sometimes challenging for you. Some tips for improving your … Read more

Are you super busy right now?

Are you feeling busy and overwhelmed? Do you have times when you’re so busy and overloaded with a long to-do list that it is creating stress and overwhelm?  Often this is when self-care gets pushed down to the bottom of our list of priorities but this is when you could really do with bringing this … Read more

Imbolc Blessings

We have reached the Celtic celebration of Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere.  This is a celebration of the returning of light, hope and of new beginnings.  The very early signs of spring are starting to emerge from the long winter or rest.  The days are starting to get longer, the snowdrops are out, the animals … Read more

Learning to love yourself

Learning to love yourself Being kind and loving to yourself, recognising your positive qualities and working with affirmations can help to raise your energy field and make you feel better. Be aware of the adjectives you use when you talk about yourself. So many people put themselves down without even realising. Doing this regularly and … Read more

What do I need right now?

This is the perfect time of year to keep returning to this question: What do I need right now? Don’t listen to the outside influences that tell you to detox, get motivated, lose weight, power yourself up, and make new and exciting plans, unless that is what you are feeling you really want to do … Read more

Winter Solstice Celebration

Come along and celebrate the Winter Solstice in a beautiful wooden cabin. This will be an evening of celebration, thanksgiving and meditation. Come and share sacred time with other women, reflect on the year you have travelled, and start connecting with your dreams for 2023. This is a wonderful time to bring your awareness to … Read more