Celebrate the small wins

Well done you – for getting out of bed this morning!

This time of year is one when modern society mismatches our physical and emotional needs. We are in the depths of winter, the light levels are low, we want to get up later, and we tend to have low energy. This first week back to work after the Christmas break is tough. Go easy on yourself.

Don’t start any harsh weight-loss diets, and don’t force yourself to do high impact exercise (unless it helps your mood).

Congratulate yourself on getting out of bed when you don’t want to or feel tired. Have a nourishing breakfast that you enjoy. Give yourself extra time in the morning to wake up and get going.

Be discerning in your evening activities – don’t overstretch yourself when your physical energy is at its lowest ebb.

Try to curb any comfort eating – comfort yourself with a good book, a hot bath, watching uplifting or funny things on TV, and an early night.

Get out in nature daily if you can.  As I have lots of animals, I have to head out a few times a day, whatever the weather.  It’s an enjoyable feeling getting back into the warm dry house and exchanging wet outerwear for fluffy, dry clothing.

Lower your expectations – just getting through the next few weeks without getting ill or feeling low emotionally is a huge plus.  If you do get ill – go to bed, take vitamin C and eat soup.  If you do feel low – ask for help – communicate with friends and family or seek professional support.

Eat well, rest up, stay connected. Enjoy the little things – your comfortable bed, your warm coffee, your cosy slippers.  Congratulate yourself on the small wins.

There are only a few weeks now until the very early signs of spring arrive.  You will make it through.