Red Tent Women’s Group

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Date(s) - 04/02/2019
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Garden Cabin
Henfield Road
Albourne, BN6 9FF

The Red Tent Moon Lodge is a facilitated women’s group and sacred circle.  The theme for this Red Tent will be the Celtic festival of Imbolc, celebrating the end of winter and the first signs of spring.  This is a great time to reflect upon your experiences this winter and to look upon what you are wishing to create in the new impending spring energy.

The evening will consist of some meditation, a shared craft activity (no skills needed!), and healthy tea and cake.  There will be some space available to share your own experience if that feels right for you.

Times: 8-10pm

Venue: Albourne, Sussex.  Directions given upon booking.  Set in a beautiful wooden cabin, with wood-burning stove with views overlooking rolling Sussex countryside.  Ample free parking.

Cost: £15

To book either fill in booking form below or email [email protected] or contact on 07905 743268.

How to Pay

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Pay via bank transfer:

Account number: 40292338

Sort code: 09 06 66


Bookings are closed for this event.