In November, nature is turning within, the days are getting shorter and shorter.
This is a great time of year for us to surrender. Give in to tiredness, go to bed at silly o’clock, keep warm, eat deeply nourishing foods and attend to your physical and emotional needs with a gentle passion. Over the next four weeks there is a small window before the craziness of Christmas takes over, so nourish your physical and emotional energy now.
Almost all of my acupuncture clients turned up to the clinic yesterday saying they feel tired. This is normal. What is not normal is judging our need to be quiet and get lots of sleep at this time of year.
If you are ever in doubt about what normal is, look outside and see what nature is doing. Right now, it is letting go of the remaining leaves, it is finding a good place to hibernate and lay low, it is storing food and eating nourishing fat-building foods to give energy to the long winter months ahead.
Tune into what you need right now and permit yourself to receive this.